Welcome to “Notes From a Creative Soul”.
I share my travels, tips, creativity and my expertise. I’ll post stories, images, techniques, tutorials and information about my group and individual photography workshops.
I invite you to subscribe to this blog (or use the orange RSS link at top), and please share it freely so that others will enjoy and hopefully contribute. I can promise you will enjoy the show for months to come.
As a bonus, subscribers can receive discount codes for OneOne and Alien Skin plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom. Subscribing contributors are eligible for discounts to my individual and group workshops as well as my gallery prints.
Now, to begin!
Just fill in the blanks to subscribe for more travel stories and techniques in Photography, Lightroom and Photoshop.
I occasionally send out "The Viewfinder" e-newsletter, and provide free presets and workshop discounts.
I never over-post, share your info, and you can opt out at any time.